Sunday, 23 December 2012


I have created a plan of when Grace Amy and I believe to start filming with the cast members we need. We have also located the days where we initially start editing and which days we will be filming which section.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

shot list

Possible Locations

These are locations we have looked at and feel are suitable for the video. They are easily accessible and we do not need to ask permission to use them as it belongs to one of the group members. We are all comfortably able to get there as we are all able to drive and we hope they look good within our video.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

My life for the next few months..

I have created a timeline on timetoast of the key dates me and my group have set for this years coursework.

Anamatic Storyboard

I have created a digital storyboard of the first 30 seconds using drawings and put to the song. This gives a brief idea of the types of shots and narrative we want to use in our video.

I have repeated the shots frequently just as an idea of what is going to happen and the full shot list is more detailed into the what the shots are of.

The drawings show a basic outline of the shot types and who will feature, but these are subject to change at any time.

mash up

we created a mash up of ideas using the videos we have looked at for inspiration

This a mash up off different music videos including the shots we intend to use in our music video in the first 30 seconds.
Music videos used :-
1. Justin Bieber - Beauty and a Beat
2. All Time Low - Time Bomb
3.Cardigans- My Favourite Game
4. Fall Out Boy- I don't care
5. Green Day - Boulevard of broken dreams

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Our little talks

We had a group meeting today,

We have decided to start filming next friday, and have sent an email to our cast asking if they are available and making sure they have broken up from school...

We have also looked at a list given  by our teacher about what to include in our planning. We have gone though and given each of us a small list of tasks to do for the groups planning.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Driving our creativity

We intend on using several close ups of our chosen car. This video shows well the types of shots we are aiming to achieve, such as the close up of the radio, and the extreme close up of the bonnet, which gives a distinct feel about the age of the car and the age in which the video is set.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012


Potential cost
Person in charge
Bands clothing`
Their own clothes
All of us
Give them the ok on what clothes they do choose to wear.
Driver costume
Leanne and driver
Ask neighbour if he is ok to dress up.
Girls clothes
Her own clothes
Give them the ok on what clothes they do choose to wear. Make sure there is time to get her ready.
For use with Lily
Unknown at the moment
For the driver
All of us

The table shows a brief outline of the types of costumes we may need.

The boys clothes, are typical- t-shirt, jeans and shoes which they will provide themselves. We have decided not to provide it all for them, as they already look like the audience who would listen to this music, we thought it may be easier if they looked 'normal' and dress how they would normally.


This is a list of props which will be needed in the making of our video. it represents aspects of the narrative and performance, which we intend on carrying out.

Potential Cost
Person in charge
Guitars and Bass
Matts own
Brandon’s own
Olly’s own
Will need suitable transportation.- I.e  Leannes car and be able to fit all 3 inside.
Drum kit
Ben’s own
Need help carrying it and moving outside.
Leanne’s neighbour
Petrol costs.
Let neighbour know when we plan to film.
CD player / Kindle (mp3 format)
Ensure they are charged. Spare batteries?
Guitar amps
Matt and Brandon
Electricity supply, unless we use portable ones- something to look into

Bens house/Grace


Shopping trolley?
Not sure
All of us
Will need to ask supermarket permission
Mic stand

Equipment needed
Provided by?
College or Leanne dad
Book out from college
Book out from college
Green Screen (?)
Book out from college
Reflective disc
Book out from college
we need to ensure that all the equipment will be available to borrow from college at the time we aim to film and shoot.

performers and casting

We have recruited a total of 5 people to feature in our music video.
We asked if they were interested before we decided fully on the song choice.

Matt Parkinson- This is my brother, who is a singer/song writer who plays guitar in his free time. He is really keen to get involved alongside two of his friends. During the video he will be part of the band the main singer in the performance element. As he is my brother, I have easy access to ask him questions and to feed the dates of shooting too, to which he could pass on to the other members.

Brandon Dowell- Matt and family friend. He is already in a separate hobby band, and he can play the guitar. He will be party of the band , playing guitar. His look suits the genre of music, we will just have to ensure he shows his face a bit more often. I also have easy access to him to feed information to ensure he understands.

Olly Irwin- A friend of Brandon's. By adding Olly on Facebook, I am able to interact with him to feed information to him. He already plays the bass, which is a huge bonus for the performance element.

Lily Hewitt- This is Grace's sister, so she will have the main responsibility for letting her know when we are shooting and performing e.c.t. we are still yet to introduce all of the performers to each other, but it should work well. She will be playing the acting role of the main singers girlfriend and she shall appear in selected parts during the video and on a cliffhanger ending.

Ben Martyn-Smith- Ben is the boy who lives at the house whose driveway we are going to use. He will play the drums in the background as this is because his parents have restricted us on what we can use him for. Overall we will still have a whole band which will work well.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Lets test those shots!

after not being able to gather our models to help us test shoots, we decided to try out some shots ourselves. We arranged it on the friday, to film on Monday. Come Monday morning, it hadn't initially struck me we were filming, so I apologize.

We have tested the opening shot of the artist 'holding the camera' The first shows then holding it themselves, and the second showing evidence of them holding out their arms as if they were holding it.

this first test was with myself holding the camera about me literally. as you can you, it clearly shows my face and my moth lip-syncing to the song, and a bonus was i could see myself when recording. However, it was very hard to keep the camera still so it looks a bit shaken. Giving a camera to a 15 year old and making him hold the camera and perform will prove very difficult and I doubt he will be able to keep it still. Although Just Bieber looked like he was holding it, his filming looked a lot more still than how we tried it with actually holding it.

This second shoot shows me reaching out to the camera, which was on a tri-pod to gain the effect of myself holding it, much like Justin Bieber. We felt this was the best way to film this part as again you can clearly see the lip-syncing and it does look like I am holing the camera. also there is also the second view of the director who can see what the recording looks like and can alter the camera accordingly.

We then tested several ways of entering the car. We also used different shots to achieve this, such as a close up of the feet and a mid-shot.
This first one shows myself jumping over the side of the car into the back. This was a safety precaution we had to look into and tripping over may be dangerous. As the video slightly shows at the end, I whacked my knee on the body, so this is something we are going to have to look into when we look at our risk assessment. This entry was good as we could easily change it to slow motion and slow it down to make it more interesting, and is a more interesting way of entering the car.

This was filmed from a mid-shot, of a slight jump into the back of the car, but this time through the door. this was not as interesting as the jumping, but we had to look into all the possibilities into entering the car in case there were any moves my neighbor did not want preformed into his car.

This third shot is a close up of the feet stepping into the car naturally. 

using a mixture of these shots, perhaps one way for each band member will back the narrative more interesting to the audience and the different ways of entering the car, rather than just stepping in.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Target audience update

I have created a Powerpoint to help define my target audience a little bit further, we aim to try and reach a wider audience perhaps (shown through my blogger poll questions) of people who may not necessarily listen to this genre as a preference. 

Inspiration of looking in the mirror and green day

we have looked at 'Green day- Boulevard of broken dreams' and taken note of the close up shots of the car which are really interesting to look at, and we are considering to use some in the video.

We have also had another idea of the band members looknig at themselves in the car mirror before they enter the car. The issues with this is that we will have to make sure you cannot see the camera when filming.

This video has a few examples of elements we may try to achieve- even though this is out of our music range.

Digipak Feedbak

I Also put my final digipak to my focus group and asked for their response and what they thought of it.

There were mixed views on my digipak. Anthony did not understand why there were two dark shadows behind the singer on one of the slides. After telling him that these were shadows of the other two band members, he started to understand what was being shown across. This shows elements of aberrant reading and he did not understand what I was trying to achieve with certain aspects of my digipak.
Having said this, he did really like the overall idea which shows further evidence of negotiated reading. He liked the idea as a whole, but looking at certain panels, he found elements he did not agree with. Mark is similar having a negotiated reading pattern. He liked how I had used elements in both my digipak and advert which shows and instant audience recognition between the two. His only criticism was about the shadows, although he only went into a little more detail when I asked which shadows. Emily shows a different approach, and as a female shows different views, perhaps telling me something about my gender target audience, He view is preferred reading, commenting that she liked what I have done to achieve my outcome.

Poster feedback

I put an image of my poster on my focus group. I got 12 Facebook likes for my photo and a couple of comments, shown below.

The overall feedback was very positive. They liked how the shadows behind the models made it look realistic and how the text was built up wit the colours.

Mark Prince really liked my poster, suggesting that it meets the target audience I am aiming at. It also builds up the 'teenage' atmosphere and the way I have designed the poster reflects on this mood.  He has taken and approach to preferred reading and agrees with all of the elements I have designed. The red stripe has been commented as effective and adds more colour to my final piece, which is one aim I hoped to achieve.

Emily's comment about it being professional helped me to understand that I have achieved the best result I could and I am now determined to do a really good shoot for the video. She too is a preferred reader as she really liked the elements like mark and understands everything I am trying to show through.

The final comment was from Amy and again her view was very preferred. She also commented on the red stripe which added more colour to my poster and reflected the colours of Brandon's jumper, contrasting well and spreading throughout the page. She knew what my aim was and it seemed to work really well as your eyes are drifted throughout the whole poster and not just little sections.

discarded images from digipak

This was a sketch of a moon I drew intentionally for my digipak. It did not turn out quite the way I wanted it too , so I created my moon on the computer instead. It was very hard to remove the grey background and the sketch outline in order to produce a professional looking moon. I think if I created a solid line, which was not sketched, it might of worked better.

Dates for Trial Shots

My group and I have confirmed a date and time of which we will be taking some test shots of the models 'jumping ' into the car.

we hope to achieve a good result of ellipsis of the car, which we will then develop in our real music video.

We will also betesting out the handheld shot we plan to use at the start and also close up shots of the car.

however it turns out that two of our cast members have educational purposes which we we acknowledged and therefore have decided to complete the test shoots ourself.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Bieber to rein the start!

we looked at the video 'beauty and the beat' by Justin Bieber, and we really liked the idea of the artist holding the camera himself, (or looking like he is)


 we plan on using this interesting shot at the beginning of the video, when the artist says 'Whats up guys' before it goes into the main song. We thought it was a really good idea and will add a good effect as it leads into the main video body.