Thursday, 21 June 2012

Lip-syncing task

For the first section of our A2 media studies year we were asked to create a lip sync music video to a well known classic song, we chose to do lip sync to Bon Jovi- Living on a prayer. We recorded the footage using a camera whilst actually singing and then removed the audio and edited the video clips the the music mp3.

From this task I found out that editing a  music video is much harder than you first think. You have to fit the video and the music exactly right in order for the lyrics being spoken and the mouth movement to be in sync with each other. The filming was quite straight forward with the camera remaining still as we filmed which worked well, although we could have used a variety of different angles to make the video seem more interesting- but that was not the task so we did not feel the need to use fancy angles. The editing took a little bit of time to get used to and I learnt that you can edit out sound to video clips and how to cut and edit videos to suit the music in use. The programme we used was Adobe premier which was very useful as it helped to create a smooth flowing video, even though it was a bit slow and frustrating at times.

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