Sunday, 27 January 2013

Filming 27th January

It is a nice sunny day, and since Olly does not have rugby, we are heading down a little bit earlier to ensure we have the most filming time as possible.
We are going to use Graces car , as my neighbour is still being a bit picky on when we will take out his car, which is understandable because of the current weather conditions.

The lighting in our new footage is much brighter and the contrast between the two perhaps shows past and present, with the past and the journey to the location is the main priority.

We have ensured we took lots of different types of shots, including long shot, mid-shot, close up and high angle. The example below is a close up shot of a car wheel with the transition of zoom, which we will edit into our music video. I used a hand held approach with this shot, as at the start the music is quite shaky before it really gets into the beat which will fit well.

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